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Filtrex 2022: Innovation Award

The role of filtration in health and mobility will be the main themes of this year’s Filtrex Europe conference and exhibition, which is being held in Berlin on 8-9 November. Filtrex is a unique opportunity for professionals in the filtration and nonwovens sector to meet, network and gain the latest insights on crucial developments in the sector.

von | 19.09.22

Filtrex Award 2022 © Edana
19.09.2022 Ι The role of filtration in health and mobility will be the main themes of this year’s Filtrex Europe conference and exhibition, which is being held in Berlin on 8-9 November. Filtrex is a unique opportunity for professionals in the filtration and nonwovens sector to meet, network and gain the latest insights on crucial developments in the sector.

The first day will showcase the third edition of the Filtrex Innovation Awards, an accolade which honors the efforts of manufacturers of nonwoven based filtration products/elements and celebrates their continuous efforts for excellence and innovation. The nominees will each receive a 10-minute slot to present their innovation on stage. The winner will be selected by the audience.

More Information about FILTREX

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