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Strategic partnership: capture CO2 and recover freshwater

22.01.2024 Ι  Capture6, a water-positive carbon removal company, announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with K-water and BKT to develop a pilot facility in South Korea. The partners agreed to use K-water’s desalination facility and technologies of Capture6 and BKT to capture CO2, recover freshwater, minimize brine discharge, and extract green chemicals. K-water is […]

von | 22.01.24

Capture6’s technology can provide affordable carbon removal while increasing the facility’s freshwater yields.
Schutz des Grundwassers
Schutz des Grundwassers
22.01.2024 Ι  Capture6, a water-positive carbon removal company, announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with K-water and BKT to develop a pilot facility in South Korea. The partners agreed to use K-water’s desalination facility and technologies of Capture6 and BKT to capture CO2, recover freshwater, minimize brine discharge, and extract green chemicals.

K-water is a state-owned water utility in South Korea. It is constructing the largest desalination facility in the country to supply water to heavy industries in the Daesan Industrial Complex nearby. Daesan accounts for a full 40% of South Korea’s petrochemical production. The region has been suffering from water scarcity due to severe droughts and reliance on external water resources. The facility is surrounded by industrial plants producing large volumes of greenhouse gas emissions (17Mt CO2 e/year). This represents an opportunity for Capture6 to deploy its direct air capture (DAC) technology as well as point-source capture (CCS) to further decarbonize the region.

Water management and CO2 capture

“As a public institution, we are committed to leading the global carbon neutrality efforts and nurturing the domestic water industry by partnering with the private sector to develop innovative water technologies,” said Dr. Yun, Seog Dae, CEO of K-water.

The planned facility, which includes Capture6’s Project Octopus, will be the world’s first fully integrated water management and carbon dioxide (CO2) removal facility using a seawater desalination plant. Project Octopus is a two-phase project: It has the ultimate ambition to develop a large-scale commercial facility removing up to 500,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, becoming the largest DAC + CCS + water recovery facility in Asia.

Capture6’s technology not only removes atmospheric CO2 and restores freshwater but also generates green chemicals like hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonates. Currently, these chemicals are derived from fossil fuels and imported to South Korea. The upcoming facility and its circular economy approach aim to provide a local and sustainable supply of key industrial chemicals. This initiative is in line with South Korea’s goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

“Major step forward”

Capture6 and South Korean water treatment company BKT signed a strategic cooperation earlier this year. BKT was established in South Korea in 1995 and has subsidiaries in the United States. BKT is a market leader in the water treatment industry offering a broad range of solutions integrating biological wastewater treatment, membrane filtration, and energy-efficient technologies.

“This collaboration is a major step forward for Capture6. By pioneering water integrated water management and CO2 removal facility, this project will significantly contribute to the region’s sustainable future,” said Dr. Ethan Cohen-Cole, CEO and co-founder of Capture6.

Increasing the facility’s freshwater yields

Capture6 uses saltwater to create its carbon removal solvent. By partnering with water treatment facilities like the one K-water is building, Capture6’s technology can provide affordable carbon removal while increasing the facility’s freshwater yields. Capture6’s system will reduce the environmental harms associated with disposing of excess brine into the ocean, a concern expressed by multiple local groups in the country. The company’s process will also generate green chemicals to further decarbonize K-water’s water management operations and heavy industries such as steelmaking.

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