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IFAT 2024: Solutions for water and waste management

Andritz will be exhibiting its broad range of proven and new technologies, services, and automation solutions for the water, wastewater, and waste management industries at the IFAT 2024 show in Munich, Germany.

von | 08.05.24

Source: Andritz
08.05.2024 Ι Andritz will be exhibiting its broad range of proven and new technologies, services, and automation solutions for the water, wastewater, and waste management industries at the IFAT 2024 show in Munich, Germany.

At IFAT, Andritz presents the Underdrain system – a maintenance-free gravity filter that guarantees a smooth filtration process. Andritz now also offers a completely independent containerized mobile filtration unit for fresh drinking water even in remote locations. Water intake screens made from stainless steel with replaceable screens. They limit repair and maintenance costs complete the portfolio.

In the field of pumps, Andritz will mainly present the sewage dry pump (ASD). It is the latest member of the sewage series. This series is characterized by its modular design. It is interchangeable from the wastewater spiral (3 impellers) to the clear water spiral (3 impellers). The pump is also highly resistant to clogging. As a result of this series, a wet-installed version (with ip68 motor) is also available.

Reliable and stable sludge treatment processes at IFAT

Efficient sludge thickening and dewatering solutions (screw presses, decanter centrifuges, filter presses, drum and gravity belt thickeners) ensure a reliable and stable sludge treatment processes at reasonable costs. New systems supported by artificial intelligence for automatic polymer dosage in real time help to reduce operating costs by up to 40%. Proven paddle, belt, drum and fluid bed drying systems help to minimize disposal costs by producing broad portfolio of dried sludge products profitably.

Recycling solutions for a variety of different applications with main focus on substitute and reject fuel processing, refrigerator recycling and textile recycling are also the focus of the presentation.

Andritz Recycling will also be exhibiting two real-size rotors from its broad ADuro shredder portfolio as well as innovative solutions for a greener future. The Company will show advanced automation and digitalization solutions for new and existing plants. They can support operation transparency, reduce energy consumption by optimizing efficiency and maximize profit.

Service solutions encompassing from customized plant upgrades, rental machinery through to service level agreements, process optimization and training programs in order to reduce downtime, increase predictability in operations and enhance the overall efficiency of production operations sustainably.

At IFAT, Andritz will be presenting its products and solutions at two different locations:
Hall A1, booth 350: water treatment, pumping technology, and sludge processing solutions
Hall B6, booth 151/250: trend-setting recycling solutions for various waste streams

More industry news can be found here.

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