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IWA LET: Water Technology Experts in Essen

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Autor: Isabell Hochstrat

The well-known former coal mine “Zeche Zollverein”, Unesco World Heritage Site, was chosen as venue for the IWA LET.
Source: gastro-check24/Pixabay
17.04.2024 Ι The 19th IWA Leading Edgy Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies (IWA LET) will be hosted in Essen, Germany. More than 300 participants from over 35 countries are expected to take part in this event on 24 – 28 June.

IWA LET is designed to be the place for sharing the latest insights into how pioneering science, technological innovation and leading practices will shape the major transformation in water management that is underway. The well-known former coal mine “Zeche Zollverein”, Unesco World Heritage Site, was chosen as venue for the IWA LET.

The main host country organiser of LET 2024 19th Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies is the IWA German National Committee (GNC), with Ruhrverband, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband and Gelsenwasser. Supported by the German Associations DWA and DVGW and several leading water research institutes of Germany.

Some impressions of the Ruhr Region, the conference venue and the activities of Ruhrverband, EGLV and Gelsenwasser are outlined in this video:

IWA LET: Renowned Keynote speakers

As keynote speakers of the plenary session on Wednesday, 25 June, some top specialists for different water-related topics are announced. Among them are the Head of Ruhrverband, Prod. Nobert Jardin, who will talk about innovation and resource recovery, Prof.Liu Ye, who is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) research programme leader at the University of Queensland, Australia. Further Keynote speakers are Dr. Ratul DAS, Head of Desalination R&D for ACWA Power, Saudi Arabia, and Jeffery Lewis, General Manager of ECT2 in Europe and expert for PFAS contaminations and their elimination.

Technical Sessions

On Wednesday, 26 June, participants can choose between technical sessions in two tracks, the drinking water track and the wastewater track. Drinking water experts will discuss topics like “Developments in digitalization”, “Membranes, hybrid systems and new materials”.

Participants interested in wastewater treatment will learn about up-to-date solutions for “Carbon and energy neutrality” and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well a about “Recource Recovery and Sludge Treatment”.

Further Information

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