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INDEX™20 maximises opportunities with October date extension and hybrid format

To ensure that INDEX™20 has every opportunity of taking place this year, the INDEX™20 Organisers, PALEXPO and EDANA, have decided to adopt two important measures, designed to guarantee the widest possible visibility and participation for all. The first is to announce that INDEX™20 is postponed until 19 – 22 October 2021.

von | 31.03.21

Foto: Index

Since the beginning of the global pandemic, the desire to provide the nonwovens community with an outstanding industry showcase, whilst ensuring the best possible health protection and safety to a broad international audience, has been of paramount concern to the INDEX™ Organisers. Due to on-going travel restrictions and unforeseen delays in vaccination programmes, the Organisers are forced to recognise that the lifting of the Swiss federal governmental restrictions regarding sizeable gatherings of people and a consequent return to normal business, may take a little longer than anticipated.

Safe participation in event

To ensure that INDEX™20 has every opportunity of taking place this year, the INDEX™20 Organisers, PALEXPO and EDANA, have decided to adopt two important measures, designed to guarantee the widest possible visibility and participation for all. The first is to announce that INDEX™20 is postponed until 19 – 22 October 2021.

Postponement of the event

As a major international event in the nonwovens calendar, the Organisers feel they must take advantage of every possibility of maximising visitor attendance and ROI for exhibitors. Delaying the event for an additional 6 weeks will increase the opportunities for a broader range of participants to attend INDEX™20 in person. Naturally, the strictest health protocols will be applied and rigorously observed at the event, to ensure the best conditions are in place for conducting business safely.

The second initiative is to introduce a comprehensive virtual platform for INDEX™20. This exciting digital tool will enable the over 14,000 exhibitors and visitors to interact directly if they so wish, extend the event’s reach both in terms of geography and applications, and provide live and on-demand product content and information. A data-driven matchmaking facility will assist participants in contacting and networking with like-minded attendees in their particular sector. PALEXPO and EDANA remain available for any further information that may be required and thank you for your continued support.

Find here more information about INDEX™20, PALEXPO and EDANA.

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