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Flue gas treatment: Capacity expansions in Europe

25.01.2024 Ι Solvay has announced capacity expansions at its Resolest and Solval units, specifically designed for recycling residues from the flue gas cleaning process using the Solvair solution. The rising demand for this advanced technology stems from the enforcement of stringent environmental standards governing emissions across various industries. By the end of 2025, Resolest is […]

von | 25.01.24

More than 80 % of Solvair residue can be recycled into purified brine.
Source: Solvay
Flue gas treatment: Capacity expansions
25.01.2024 Ι Solvay has announced capacity expansions at its Resolest and Solval units, specifically designed for recycling residues from the flue gas cleaning process using the Solvair solution.

The rising demand for this advanced technology stems from the enforcement of stringent environmental standards governing emissions across various industries. By the end of 2025, Resolest is poised to undergo a significant 60 % surge in recycling capacity. Likewise, commencing January 2024, Solval is set to witness a substantial 30 % increase in its capacity.

Flue gas cleaning: recycling into purified brine

For decades, Solvay has been dedicated to establishing a circular economy for the residues generated from flue gas cleaning through Solvair technology. More than 80 % of Solvair residue can be recycled into purified brine, serving as a circular raw material in soda ash manufacturing at Solvay’s facilities in Dombasle, France, and Rosignano, Italy. This process empowers both plants to reduce natural brine consumption, actively contributing to resource conservation.

“At Solvay, we’re committed to providing sustainable solutions that address humanity’s essential needs. The high demand for our Solvair breakthrough technology highlights its unique role in purifying air and preserving natural resources,” said Philippe Kehren, Solvay CEO. “We’re excited about contributing to the transformation and sustainability of various industries, fostering responsible business growth at Solvay. This aligns seamlessly with our dedication to a circular economy, supporting initiatives such as the European Green Deal and showcasing our unwavering commitment to sustainability.”

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Piezokatalyse: PFOS in Wasser abbauen
Piezokatalyse: PFOS in Wasser abbauen

An der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich) haben Forschende eine Methode gefunden, um eine gefährliche Untergruppe von PFAS, sogenannte PFOS, abzubauen. Die Piezokatalyse entfernt die Stoffe mit Hilfe von Nanopartikeln und Ultraschall und könnte zukünftig eine effektive Alternative zu bestehenden Verfahren bieten.

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Ernährungsindustrie blickt mit Sorge auf das Jahr
Ernährungsindustrie blickt mit Sorge auf das Jahr

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