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C-Press mobile unit: Efficient and compact sludge dewatering

Businesses that need sludge dewatering on the move now have a solution with the Andritz C-P mobile unit. Ideal for applications that need prompt sludge dewatering, for space-restricted sites, or those which face challenging geographical locations, C-Press mobile customers can still deploy effective dewatering technology quickly and easily.

von | 26.05.23

C-Press mobile unit: High dewatering performance combined with a compact design.
Foto: Andritz Separation
Mobile C-Press
26.05.2023 Ι Businesses that need sludge dewatering on the move now have a solution with the Andritz C-P mobile unit. Ideal for applications that need prompt sludge dewatering, for space-restricted sites, or those which face challenging geographical locations, C-Press mobile customers can still deploy effective dewatering technology quickly and easily.

The C-Press mobile unit is a robust and reliable dewatering technology that is containerized for the ultimate in flexible deployment. With a small footprint and a mass below 3.5 tonnes, the C-Press mobile unit is easily transportable with only a light vehicle. A fully automatic machine with continuous control of performance, screw speed, counter-pressure, and washing, it is remarkably easy to operate. Users can easily manage the unit after just a brief period of training.

Low long-term operating costs

Energy efficient and with reduced polymer consumption compared with other dewatering technologies, C-Press mobile is easy to maintain with all components readily accessible. The mobile separation solution also delivers consistent performance, with minimal wear characteristics and a long service life. These features ensure consistently low long-term operating costs.

Environmental benefits and low noise emissions

The optimized C-Press design maximizes the open area of the basket to give a highest specific capacity on the market with multi-stage dewatering zones and an impressive capture rate compared to equivalent technologies. Furthermore, its exceptionally low power consumption makes it suitable to accommodate the electrical supply limitations of even small installations. Users also benefit from environmental benefits such as very low noise emissions, <60dB(A), and, as a fully enclosed unit, the system minimizes odors and helps ensure cleanliness. Dual cleaning helps to reduce water consumption by up to 50%.

C-Press: rent, try or buy

Available as a rental solution, to buy, or simply to try screw press technology for those thinking of acquisition, customers can enjoy all the advantages of screw press dewatering without the need for major infrastructure and the capital expenditure that entails. Furthermore, as multiple units can be deployed, the C-Press mobile solution is easily scalable to match the requirements for even the largest wastewater treatment applications in the most restricted and challenging locations. Two models are available, the C4010 with a feed capacity of 1-5 m3/hr delivers an average dry solids throughput of 20-85 kg/hr. The C4020, which can be hired or purchased, has a feed capacity of 2-10 m3/hr delivers an average dry solids throughput of 50-125 kg/hr.

High dewatering performance, very low power consumption combined with a compact design and turnkey installation, C-Press mobile units allow businesses to enjoy all the benefits of the Andritz screw press technology wherever and whenever they need it.

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