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Conference: Desalination for the Green Hydrogen Economy

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Autor: Isabell Hochstrat

Models of hydrogen molecules floating against blue background.
Foto: AdobeStock/
10.07.2023 Ι As organisers of the International Conference on Desalination for the Green Hydrogen Economy (ICDH), DECHEMA and the European Desalination Society (EDS) are bringing together representatives of the green hydrogen and desalination industry for the first time. The conference will be held at DECHEMA House in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from February 12-14, 2024. The call for papers is open now.

Green hydrogen is seen as an important energy carrier of the future. However, the best prerequisites for production are usually found in countries where water resources are scarce or subject to use conflicts, so desalination of seawater offers a way out of potential resource conflicts. The conference is located at the intersection of the two industries and will provide an excellent opportunity for sharing and networking through numerous presentations, workshops and panel discussions.

Topics, the conference covers include – but not exclusively:

  • Economics of desalination and hydrogen production
  • Energy food nexus
  • Market development
  • Overcoming the water challenge of green hydrogen production
  • Policy development
  • Specific regional aspects of desalination and hydrogen production
  • Storage and infrastructure
  • Water, energy and emissions management
Learn more

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