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Open letter: official UN recognition of World Ventil8 Day

Autor: Isabell Hochstrat

The Systemair Group has published an Open Letter advocating for the official recognition of World Ventil8 Day by the United Nations (UN) as a special observance.
Photo: World Ventil8 Day
World Ventil8 Day
08.11.2023 Ι The Systemair Group has published an Open Letter advocating for the official recognition of World Ventil8 Day by the United Nations (UN) as a special observance. Systemair is calling upon the global HVACR community, stakeholders, and industry partners to join hands in this crucial endeavour with the belief that clean, healthy air is a fundamental component of a sustainable future.

World Ventil8 Day, which takes place every 8th November, was established by a group of researchers and professional bodies to raise awareness of the importance of ventilation as a crucial part of enabling the health and well-being of people, in addition to recognising the ventilation and indoor air quality community. Since its inception, this day has gained significant momentum. In its letter, Systemair highlights the need to broaden and reinforce its importance through official bodies, calling upon stakeholders, fellow manufacturers, and trade associations within the ventilation sector to join this vital endeavour.

World Ventil8 Day: making the world a healthier place

Morten Schmelzer, Head of Group Public Affairs, Systemair, said, “The UN has a longstanding tradition of designating international days to draw global attention to pressing issues, serving as potent tools for advocacy and uniting people and organisations worldwide to raise awareness and act. The key criteria for UN special observances, which include alignment with the UN’s mission of promoting sustainable development and protecting human rights, are met with remarkable clarity by the cause of ventilation. We, at Systemair, believe that this will go a long way in making the world a healthier place, one breath at a time.”

The letter, signed by Morten Schmelzer and Martin Dahlgren, Vice President of Products and Technologies, Systemair Group, further emphasises how ventilation is central to sustainable development, as it significantly contributes to reducing the environmental impact of buildings. Moreover, it plays an essential role in safeguarding human rights, as access to clean air is a fundamental requirement for everyone, regardless of their background or location, highlighting the need for ventilation to be acknowledged on a global scale.

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