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FILTECH 2023: Conference Program Out Now

FILTECH will be held on 14-16 February 2023 in Cologne, Germany. It is the largest and most important filtration show world-wide and will feature 440+ Exhibitors and a major international Conference. The Conference Program is now available.

von | 30.11.22

30.11.2022 Ι FILTECH will be held on 14-16 February 2023 in Cologne, Germany. It is the largest and most important filtration show world-wide and will feature 440+ Exhibitors and a major international Conference. The Conference Program is now available.

Innovative power in the field of filtration and separation

The FILTECH 2023 Conference programme will feature 180 papers and will give a representative cross-section of the different procedures and appliances of separation technology as well as across the industry about the applications, from the preparation of mineral raw materials, the chemistry, environmental technology and water purification down to the pharmacy and biotechnology. Learn e.g. about the latest research and development of air cleaning, air monitoring technologies and highly efficient respiratory masks.


Several presentations also focus on the detection of micro pollutants, antibiotic-resistant bacteria/germs and micro plastics in water and removal technologies. Also presented are new developments in battery manufacturing and recycling. New approaches to face these and many other challenges are given at FILTECH 2023 Conference. In addition two 1-Day Short Courses held 1 day prior to the Conference give deep insides into the topics “solid-liquid separation” and “fine dust separation”.

To the Conference Program

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