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Webinar series focuses on membrane technology for OSN

In the four-part webinar series “Membrane Technology for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration: A Practical Guide”, VITO will present how the company uses OSN technology from 24 February to 24 March 2022. OSN webinar series as a practical guide Separation processes play a significant role in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, accounting for 40–70 % of both […]

von | 06.01.22

This webinar series will give you a practical guide on how we at VITO make use of this technology and bring you up to speed on new processes and products, starting from lab developments to upscaling and piloting together with industry.
OSN Webinar

In the four-part webinar series “Membrane Technology for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration: A Practical Guide”, VITO will present how the company uses OSN technology from 24 February to 24 March 2022.

OSN webinar series as a practical guide

Separation processes play a significant role in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, accounting for 40–70 % of both capital and operating costs. Organic syntheses in these industries are frequently performed in organic solvents and consist of products with high added value that should be removed from the organic solvents. Additionally, organic solvents, used as raw materials, for chemical syntheses, and as cleaning agents, have to be recovered or discarded at the end of the process. Compared to more conventional techniques, membrane technology, when applied to “organic solvent nanofiltration” (OSN), offers several benefits in terms of economy, environment, and safety. With all the recent advancements in membrane design and application, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries are more and more motivated to integrate membranes in processes where recovery of organic solvents or separation of high value organic compounds are needed.

This webinar series will give you a practical guide on how VITO makes use of this technology and bring you up to speed on new processes and products, starting from lab developments to upscaling and piloting together with industry.

Webinar dates are set, registration is open

Registration will open soon, for now we kindly ask you to please save the following dates:

  1. 24.02.2022, 15:00 CET: Introduction to membrane filtration for OSN applications (Dr. Pieter Vandezande, VITO)
  2. 03.03.2022, 15:00 CET: OSN membrane application in catalysis and metal recovery (Prof. Dr. Fady Nahra, VITO/Gent)
  3. 11.03.2022, 15:00 CET: OSN membrane application in pharma and other industries (Dr. Dominic Omerod, VITO)
  4. 24.03.2022, 15:00 CET: Invited lecture (Dr. Thomas Seidensticker, TU Dortmund)

Planning for each webinar session:

  • 10 min for introduction/polling
  • 45 min for presentation
  • 5 min for closing/polling
  • 30 min questions (with the moderator and the audience)

More information is available at

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