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Filtrex Conference: Filtration industry professionals meet in Berlin

Edana’s 2-day Filtrex conference will bring together the international filtration industry in Berlin on November 8-9, 2022. The wide-ranging program shows: Filtrex is an absolute highlight for company representatives and participants. Conference and exhibition in one The event is the leading platform and meeting point for professionals to learn about market trends in the filtration […]

von | 17.08.22

Edana’s 2-day Filtrex conference will bring together the international filtration industry in Berlin on November 8-9, 2022. The wide-ranging program shows: Filtrex is an absolute highlight for company representatives and participants.

Conference and exhibition in one

The event is the leading platform and meeting point for professionals to learn about market trends in the filtration industry, innovative filter materials, new developments in media design, air/liquid filtration, automotive filtration, testing and standardization. In parallel with the conference, a tabletop exhibition is organised to facilitate networking between campanies representatives and participants.

The Filtrex Innovation Award

The Filtrex Innovation Award competition is organised within the framework of the Filtrex conference and is part of Edana’s broader effort to support and celebrate innovation within the nonwoven and related industry. This reward recognizes the efforts of all manufacturers of nonwoven based filtration products/éléments and celebrate their continuous efforts for excellence.

Any company who designs or manufactures nonwoven related filtration products, or components of these, is eligible to enter the competition. During the conference, shortlisted companies will be given time to present their innovation to delegates. The winning company will be selected by the audience.


You can find the program here.

To EDANA website

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