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Environmental solutions: Sustainability across Europe

Saxlund will showcase a range of innovative solutions for operators and investors in addition to its full range of bulk materials handling solutions.

von | 07.09.22

Saxlunds Push Floor reception and storage system © Saxlund
07.09.2022 Ι Saxlund will showcase a range of innovative solutions for operators and investors in addition to its full range of bulk materials handling solutions.

The companies key technologies improve fuel handling and combustion efficiency, which in turn reduce fuel costs and carbon emissions. At RWM on 14-15 September in Birmingham the company will be presenting its full range of solutions for combustion, waste from energy and bulk materials handling and storage, referencing dozens of sites across Europe. Therefor it will discuss a number of use cases, to demonstrate substantial efficiencies and cost savings achieved by substituting low carbon fuels for fossil fuels.

Collaborations lead to alternative solutions

In the UK, Saxlund is currently collaborating with consultants, contractors and investors to deliver projects to substitute alternative fuels for fossil fuels for cement plants and lime production facilities, as well as fuel handling at EfW power plants and silos systems for wastewater treatment plants. Managing Director Matt Drew explains that the focus for Saxlunds business in the UK is materials handling systems for difficult to handle bulk materials. He adds that the market for the technology tends to be in reducing carbon emissions in energy production, whether for industrial process heat or commercial power production. It allows Saxlund to support especially support customers that need to quickly respond to changing regulations.

“There is also increased interest across the board from energy producers, large business consumers and district heating groups for onsite biomass power solutions. With our Certus transportable biomass plants, we can deliver up to 3MW of efficient low carbon heat production”, says Drew.

To the website of Saxlund


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