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Leadership transition at filtration specialist

German Filtration provider Cerafiltec has announced their new CEO. Dr. Torsten Wintergerste will be assuming the role, beginning July 1st.

von | 11.06.24

As of July 2024, Torsten Wintergerste will serve as the new CEO of Cerafiltec.
Source: Cerafiltec
Leadership transition at filtration specialist
11.06.2024 Ι German Filtration provider Cerafiltec has announced their new CEO. Dr. Torsten Wintergerste will be assuming the role, beginning July 1st.

Wintergerste brings many years of experience in driving success through a customer-centric approach and effective management. His previous engagements include the position of President of Sulzer Chemtech AG, a leading company in separation and mixing technology. He has managed to successfully improve the company’s global operations, market presence and strategic impact, doubling the business volume to 900 million euros and boosting profitability.

Ushering in the future with new leadership

Armed with these skills and experiences, Wintergerste is ideally suited to lead Cerafiltec into the future. Additionally, his international involvement and strong relationships with global industry leaders will further strengthen Cerafiltec’s mission to provide clean water.

Furthermore, the new CEO brings comprehensive experience in driving international expansion to the table. This will be a crucial factor in leading Cerafiltec into its next phase of growth and meeting the increasing market needs.

Cerafiltec positions itself as a key driver of the transition from polymeric membranes and other conventional technologies towards ceramic membrane technology. As such, the company is sure to benefit from Wintergerste’s expertise in scaling operations to support this evolution.

Wintergerste himself calls Cerafiltec’s development from a humble start-up to a global player inspiring and continues: “I am honored to lead the passionate and talented team as we embark on this exciting phase, building on a solid foundation and aiming for even greater global impact.”

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