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Webinar: Uncovering the Mysteries of Polymer Melt Filtration

The Pall Corporation will host a global webinar event in April to dive into the many aspects of effective polymer melt filtration and uncover some of the mysteries associated with this process.

von | 09.04.21

The Pall Corporation will host a global webinar event in April to dive into the many aspects of effective polymer melt filtration and uncover some of the mysteries associated with this process.

The Pall Corporation will host a global webinar event in April to dive into the many aspects of effective polymer melt filtration and uncover some of the mysteries associated with this process.

In this presentation, they will cover:

  • Polymer filtration fundamentals
  • Filter media choices
  • Filter element options
  • Filtration system basics
  • Live Question & Answer

Whether the end product is a film, fiber, or resin, we will discuss what to consider in order to make the best selection possible for your application. We will also cover best practices taken from multiple, real-world case studies and filtration applications where customers have implemented filtration changes to overcome quality issues, constant filter changeouts, and even gel impurities.

If you want to learn or refresh your knowledge on polymer melt filtration to ensure that you are selecting the proper filtration technology for your applications. You can register and get more information by clicking here.

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