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PARTEC 2023: Call for Papers

Join the VDI Wissensforum on September 26-28, 2023 in Nuremberg for the Partec 2023. The main topic of the event will be: Particle Technology for Sustainable Products.

von | 17.11.22

Source: Partec 2023
17.11.2022 Ι Join the VDI Wissensforum on September 26-28, 2023 in Nuremberg for the Partec 2023. The main topic of the event will be: Particle Technology for Sustainable Products. The Partec 2023 will take place at the same time as the POWTECH at the Nuremberg Messe.

Today particle technology not only plays an important role in classical industries like chemical, pharmaceutical, food and minerals industry, but also in in dynamically developing industries for products related to energy transition like battery and fuel cells as well as for advanced production technologies like additive manufacturing. You will get the chance to get an overview of the latest processes and equipment in the particle- and bulk-solid technology. Join high quality discussions, listen to scientific presentations and extend your know-how!

Partec is still looking for hiqh-quality speakers. Check out the Call for Papers here and submit your extended abstract to one of the following topics:

Hot Topics and Subjects at Partec 2023

  • Bulk powder technologies, gas-solid-multiphase flow
  • Comminution, breakage, agglomeration and granulation
  • Separation, fractionation and sorting
  • Mixing and Dispersing, Liquid-Solid-Multiphase flow
  • Wet synthesis and formation of particles
  • Product formulation, particle interactions, interfaces and stabilization
  • Innovative analytical methods for lab and production
  • Nano and aerosol particle technology
  • Particle technologies for sustainable products
  • Innovation in modelling and simulation

Constributions from research in universities, industrial companies and other research organizations are welcome. Industry specific and also joined research proposals between industry and research organizations are appreciated.

Submit your Paper

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