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Beer production: Alfa Laval acquires unique technology for sustainable beer production

Alfa Laval – a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling – has acquired Sandymount, a US-based beverage technology company with a unique and patented membrane technology to concentrate beer.

von | 22.01.21

Alfa Laval, a global leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation, and fluid handling, has announced the acquisition of Sandymount, a US-based beverage technology company renowned for its unique and patented membrane technology designed for beer concentration. This innovative technology, combined with Alfa Laval’s extensive range of products, including advanced centrifugal separation solutions, is set to open up new business opportunities and enable a more sustainable beer delivery supply chain. The acquisition was finalized on December 31.

Tackling Transportation Inefficiencies with Centrifugal Separation

Sandymount’s patented membrane technology, Revos™, when combined with Alfa Laval’s comprehensive centrifugal separation and beer production solutions, will allow beer producers to deliver high-quality beer in a concentrated form. This addresses the significant transportation inefficiencies in the beer supply chain, where beer is one of the few water-rich products distributed in its ‘mostly water’ state from producer to consumer.

Centrifugal Separation: A Key to High-Quality Beer Delivery

“This new technology is a strategic addition to Alfa Laval’s brewery solutions portfolio, enabling us to offer processes for high-quality concentrated beer using cutting-edge centrifugal separation technology,” says Nish Patel, President of the Food & Water Division at Alfa Laval. “Innovative and validated solutions like this will enhance our customers’ supply chains, positively impacting both their profitability and environmental footprint.” Ronan McGovern, Founder of Sandymount, comments, “The Revos technology has been verified and validated by major breweries, and I am thrilled to see it become part of Alfa Laval, leveraging the organization’s global experience and footprint in delivering solutions.”

The newly acquired company, including its founder and team, will be integrated into the Food Systems Business Unit in the Food & Water Division, enhancing Alfa Laval’s offerings in centrifugal separation and fluid handling solutions for the brewery industry.

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