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New Global Guide 2024 – 2026: Visibility for industry & science

The Global Guide 2024-2026 has been so successful since its publication in May 2024 that an expanded, updated edition is now being published in time for FILTECH 2024 in Cologne.

von | 12.11.24

More than 3,000 copies were distributed in the first few months alone. This proves the high relevance of the Global Guide, not only nationally, but also internationally.
Global Guide 2024 -2026

The filtration and separation industry is globally connected, and the challenges facing companies and experts are similar around the world. The Global Guide is the key for anyone looking for up-to-date, global and well-founded information.

Global Guide: Global industry + global expertise

More than 3,000 copies were distributed in the first few months alone. This proves the high relevance of the book, not only nationally, but also internationally.

The new edition was already well received at IFAT, the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. The success continued at ACHEMA 2024, an important international trade show for the process industry. In just two days, nearly 1,000 copies passed through the F&S booth and into the hands of professionals from around the world.

This impressive demand led to the decision to expand the edition of the Global Guide once again for FILTECH 2024.

The secret of success: Using synergies

Experts, decision-makers and interested parties have appreciated the specific industry information and technical content of the Global Guide for more than a decade.

Starting with the print version in 2012, the book has also been available online for six years now – a digital “who’s who” of the industry and a driving force for networking. This expansion is invaluable, especially for professionals looking for new business partners.

Readers can also find everything they need to know for their daily work in the filtration and separation industry in the print version. In addition to comprehensive industry profiles, the book contains:

  • exclusive technical articles by renowned experts
  • an English-German filtration dictionary
  • relevant addresses of research institutes and associations

The Global Guide online

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