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FILTREX 2025: Filtration Conference & Exhibition in Vienna

EDANA, the global association serving the nonwovens and related industries, is pleased to announce the upcoming FILTREX 2025 conference and tabletop exhibition. This premier event for filtration professionals will take place on 25-26 March 2025 at the Hilton Waterfront Hotel in Vienna, Austria.

von | 09.12.24

person inspecting nonwoven fabric on conveyor, created with generative ai
Source: studioworkstock /AdobeStock

FILTREX Europe serves as a pivotal platform, bringing together experts, technical specialists, and industry leaders from across the filtration supply chain. The two-day conference will focus on technological and sustainability innovations, aiming to enhance media and filter performance and highlight their role in reducing emissions. Attendees can look forward to a comprehensive program featuring presentations on the latest market trends, innovative filter materials, advancements in media design, and developments in air and liquid filtration.

Insights and Innovations: Exploring the Future of Filtration

The event will feature two renowned keynote speakers: Dr.-Ing. Frank Möbius, Senior Innovation Advisor at UnternehmerTUM, and Former Head of Technology Management and Forecast at BMW Group, sharing insights on open innovation, and Dr. Pero Mićić, Founder and CEO of FutureManagementGroup AG, discussing strategies to future-proof businesses.

Additionally, key industry leaders in the filtration industry from Ahlstrom, Freudenberg, and Hollingsworth & Vose will introduce pivotal topics during the roundtable discussions. Attendees will benefit from five focused sessions covering Trends and Technologies, Standards and Testing, Media Innovation, Sustainability, and PFAS-free advancements. In conjunction with the conference, a tabletop exhibition will showcase cutting-edge products and services, providing delegates with valuable networking opportunities.

The event will also feature the esteemed 4th edition of the FILTREX™ Innovation Award, recognizing outstanding achievements in nonwoven-based filtration products. Last edition, HycuTEC (inline charging technology) by Oerlikon Nonwoven, won the coveted prize after receiving over one third of the votes. Companies interested in participating in the award competition are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria and submit their applications accordingly.

FILTREX Europe 2025 Opens Registration

Registration for FILTREX Europe 2025 is now open. Delegates are encouraged to secure their tabletop spots promptly, as availability will be limited. For detailed information on registration fees, exhibition opportunities, and sponsorship packages, please visit the official event page.


Comprising over 270 members, EDANA is the leading global association advocating the benefits of nonwovens for society. Since 1971, EDANA has been providing a comprehensive range of services to enhance the industry’s goals and performance, including supporting sustainability ambitions, responsible product stewardship, and addressing common technical, regulatory and market challenges. EDANA also organizes several application-specific and geographic-focused industry events.

For further information please contact:

Felipe Cossio Cuartero


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