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Expert Lecture: Hot Gas Filtration in the Glass Industry

International refractory manufacturer RATH will be represented at the Hotbels Seminar on April 18 and 19 in Lexington (USA) with an expert lecture on hot gas filtration in the glass industry.

von | 17.04.23

(Source: RATH)
17.04.2023 Ι International refractory manufacturer RATH will be represented at the Hotbels Seminar on April 18 and 19 in Lexington (USA) with an expert lecture on hot gas filtration in the glass industry.

Manfred Salinger, Director Advanced Ceramic Filtration Solutions RATH Group, will present a holistic approach to emission control and heat recovery at his lecture. In addition the proven expert on hot gas filtration will review the experience gained and the key to reliable operation and long service life of filter elements.

Key Components in Emission Control

High-temperature filters are key components in emission control and heat recovery solutions. In many thermal process facilities, the clean-up stage cools the exhaust gases to low temperatures that are insufficient for re-use. Cleaning of exhaust gases at elevated temperatures of up to 1400 °F allows the gas to be re-used in thermal processes or for power generation. In order to reduce the footprint of the emission control equipment, hot gas filters can now be equipped with ceramic filter elements up to 20 feet long. The new generation of longer filter elements lowers capital investment costs while maintaining the important functions of particulate removal and selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides.

In his presentation, hot gas filtration expert Manfred Salinger will compare the improved emission control system with the conventional solution, introduce the range of available filter element lengths and review the lessons learned and the keys to reliable operation and long service life of the filter elements.

Competence Center for Hot Gas Filtration

A company with more than 130 years of experience in the field of refractory technology is also predestined for hot gas filtration. So it’s only logical that the internationally renowned refractory manufacturer also specializes in this field. For many years, Rath has been developing innovative ceramic hot gas filter elements, which make it possible to filter particle-laden industrial flue gases at temperatures up to 1000 °C and to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides. Since 2016, all resources, capabilities and know-how in hot gas filtration have been pooled in the Meißen facility (Germany).

Doubling of the production capacity for hot gas filter elements in Meißen

Recently, RATH has doubled its production capacity for both catalytic and non-catalytic hot gas filter elements at its Meißen production facility. As the only remaining European manufacturer of filter elements, RATH can produce up to 40.000 filter elements per year depending on requested dimensions and quality. The new production line is already in operation and running at the highest efficiency level.

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